Saturday 18 March 2017

How to Stay Motivated

Pinterest, 2017

This year, I've discovered a lot about the library industry.

I've discovered that there are some amazing programs out there. 
I've discovered that 99% of the librarians I meet are ridiculously nice. 
I've discovered that I really, really love the library community and everything with it. 

It all makes me want to join the industry, right now. Pronto. ASAP. 

However, the hardest thing that I've discovered this year, is that doing that is ridiculously hard. I've applied for multiple jobs, and received just as many rejections. Same goes with volunteering, I also discovered that not many libraries take volunteers, and therefore its hard to even get experience to get that foot in the door. 

Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of motivation. But sometimes, reality hits and it is a little bit sad. There aren't a lot of jobs, and often students don't have all that much experience.  I'm not the only one. Here's a list of 7 motivation killers.

So how should we stay motivated?

Tumblr, 2017

Surround yourself with encouraging people 

I met a lot of industry professionals this week, all of which were extremely supportive and encouraging. Surround yourself with mentors or peers that have the same passions and desires that you do. I'm a person that likes to work hard, and ultimately make people proud of that work. I find that surrounding myself with a supportive community works well, and keeps me going. It also helps to have individuals or groups that you might be able to talk to about any concerns, and get them off your chest. 

Take some time out 

Self care is extremely important, especially in a world where technology dominates. Sometimes it can get overwhelming, with messages and notifications taking up all of your attention, or that assignment giving you a mini- stroke just thinking about it. Self care will allow you to unwind and recharge. It may still be ridiculously hot in Australia, but who would ever say no to a bubble bath or a cup of tea? I took some time out recently to take a step back and re- invent my career needs and goals, and it really helped with telling myself that I can do all of the things, and that one day I will get to where I want to go.

The Alternative Daily, 2017

Overcome roadblocks 

At some point in everyone's journey, there are going to be major roadblocks, and you're going to have to make some hard choices about where your career is going. As a student, this can be scary because at one point the path seemed so real and you were definitely on your way, but now there may be other choices and realities that you need to face. To stay motivated in these situations, you need to take a step back and focus on what exactly it is that you want to achieve. Does it matter how you get there, as long as you get there in the end?  It might take longer, and there might be some stress involved, but you'll still get to the same place in the end if that's where you want to go. Re- write your goals to suit those changes, and you may end up seeing the change in journey as a blessing in disguise. 

Stay Positive 

This is the most important way to stay motivated. This article discusses the link between happiness and motivation, and how a positive attitude can also generate productivity. Stay positive while talking to industry professionals. Stay positive while interacting with your peers. A negative attitude is not going to help you in an interview or in any kind of situation, as the assignments and other obligations are still going to be there regardless. According to this, it takes 11 people to undo one negative person.

Image: Pinterest, 2017

Stay motivated! 

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