Saturday 18 March 2017

How to Stay Motivated

Pinterest, 2017

This year, I've discovered a lot about the library industry.

I've discovered that there are some amazing programs out there. 
I've discovered that 99% of the librarians I meet are ridiculously nice. 
I've discovered that I really, really love the library community and everything with it. 

It all makes me want to join the industry, right now. Pronto. ASAP. 

However, the hardest thing that I've discovered this year, is that doing that is ridiculously hard. I've applied for multiple jobs, and received just as many rejections. Same goes with volunteering, I also discovered that not many libraries take volunteers, and therefore its hard to even get experience to get that foot in the door. 

Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of motivation. But sometimes, reality hits and it is a little bit sad. There aren't a lot of jobs, and often students don't have all that much experience.  I'm not the only one. Here's a list of 7 motivation killers.

So how should we stay motivated?

Tumblr, 2017

Surround yourself with encouraging people 

I met a lot of industry professionals this week, all of which were extremely supportive and encouraging. Surround yourself with mentors or peers that have the same passions and desires that you do. I'm a person that likes to work hard, and ultimately make people proud of that work. I find that surrounding myself with a supportive community works well, and keeps me going. It also helps to have individuals or groups that you might be able to talk to about any concerns, and get them off your chest. 

Take some time out 

Self care is extremely important, especially in a world where technology dominates. Sometimes it can get overwhelming, with messages and notifications taking up all of your attention, or that assignment giving you a mini- stroke just thinking about it. Self care will allow you to unwind and recharge. It may still be ridiculously hot in Australia, but who would ever say no to a bubble bath or a cup of tea? I took some time out recently to take a step back and re- invent my career needs and goals, and it really helped with telling myself that I can do all of the things, and that one day I will get to where I want to go.

The Alternative Daily, 2017

Overcome roadblocks 

At some point in everyone's journey, there are going to be major roadblocks, and you're going to have to make some hard choices about where your career is going. As a student, this can be scary because at one point the path seemed so real and you were definitely on your way, but now there may be other choices and realities that you need to face. To stay motivated in these situations, you need to take a step back and focus on what exactly it is that you want to achieve. Does it matter how you get there, as long as you get there in the end?  It might take longer, and there might be some stress involved, but you'll still get to the same place in the end if that's where you want to go. Re- write your goals to suit those changes, and you may end up seeing the change in journey as a blessing in disguise. 

Stay Positive 

This is the most important way to stay motivated. This article discusses the link between happiness and motivation, and how a positive attitude can also generate productivity. Stay positive while talking to industry professionals. Stay positive while interacting with your peers. A negative attitude is not going to help you in an interview or in any kind of situation, as the assignments and other obligations are still going to be there regardless. According to this, it takes 11 people to undo one negative person.

Image: Pinterest, 2017

Stay motivated! 

Tuesday 28 February 2017

When Social Media Gets Too Much

Image: Infinity Hub, 2017
As a librarian in the making, I believe that social media is a really great way to keep in contact with the rest of the world. We can keep track of celebrities, our friends, and even Grumpy Cat if we want to. We no longer have to remember birthdays, or anyone's phone numbers. It's all there in one platform.  It's also contributed to a new evolution, where news and magazines are often also read online and through social media applications. 

The Pew Research Center did an interesting study in 2016, which outlined the usage of popular social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin. Approximately 8 in 10 internet users are on Facebook, which only leaves 20% of the population unaccounted for in terms of online presence. 32% of internet users are on Instagram, and 24% of users are utilising Twitter. So its pretty great that everyone is so connected via these social apps, and that there is an abundance of knowledge floating back and forth online, with increased opportunity for learning. 

But how much social media is too much, and where do you draw the line? 

I'm in the age range where the internet wasn't a thing growing up, and then as a teenager was introduced to not only the internet, but MSN Messenger, Myspace and Hotmail. Weren't those the days! This little box was such a relief after a long day at school, and the start of another kind of social life for me and all of my friends. And those emojis! Or emoticons, as they were called! 

Image: Tumblr, 2017

It was also the start of something else for me too. 

It was the start of a constant battle of wondering if I was being accepted amongst my peers, wondering if I came across as 'popular', whether my profile picture was acceptable. There was a whole range of new emotions and feelings that I was experiencing for the first time. 

Are we Spending Too Much Time on Social Media? 
Since those days and the rise of messenger applications such as MSN, we've been introduced to a whole new world of social media. There is a huge list of social networking websites, and there are many great aspects to all of them. I actually agree with most articles that favour their use, but I also have concerns about how much time I individually spend on social media platforms, and how it affects my working and personal life.  

Do we have too many apps, and are we wasting time on the internet chatting when real life is just outside our screens? 

My Battle with Social Media 
Don't get me wrong, I loooooove social media. I spend a lot of time on Pinterest and Instagram, and love a good Twitter Chat. I love it! But every now and then, I start thinking about what people think of my online presence, and it gives me a bit of anxiety, and sometimes I feel very 'crowded' in terms of constant messaging and notifications. Sometimes I feel like I just need a break. In recent years, I've even deleted it completely, which at a young age was not so socially acceptable amongst my peers. So it got me thinking, is this normal? 

Why do I feel this way? 
I wondered for a long time why an overload of social media made me feel this way, so I did some research on the link between heavy use and emotion. 

The Conversation discusses research that links heavy social media use to depression and anxiety, and the risk of this occurring increases the more hours that are spent using the platforms. When we are constantly comparing ourselves to other people's lives, jobs and experiences, our self satisfaction or ego is definitely affected. Forbes also corroborates this research, by suggesting that  “highly idealized representations of peers on social media elicits feelings of envy and the distorted belief that others lead happier, more successful lives" are to blame, in addition to bullying and harrassment.  Pederson states that young adults who use between 7 and 11 platforms are day are three times for likely to become affected than those who use less than 2.

So I think this is where my problem lies- I definitely use more than 2 social applications a day, and find myself flitting between them, until its basically on auto play. Wake up, check Facebook. Have lunch, check it again but with Instagram this time. Tweet about that random article you just read. Pinterest because there's pretty things on there, and then someone's messaging me on Messenger. Lately, it is all a bit too much and I need to do something about it. 

Digital Detoxing

I need a break. 

Sometimes I feel like I could break away entirely, and I've spoken to many people who feel the same. If you are looking at breaking away from social media entirely, there are some really inspiring articles here,  here and here

I have left social media before and have had many digital detoxes, and I found it really good. I had a lot of time on my hands, and I got a lot done. I saw the world in a new perspective, and I found that I was more positive.  

I've learned that its okay to step away, you don't have to be online all the time, and you're never missing out on anything spectacular. I've logged out of my Instagram and changed my Facebook password, closed down everything and I feel so much better already. I'm ready to take on the new university semester, and due to my lack of internet-ing, I will be able to make more blog posts full of new and exciting things that I will be learning. 

For all of my social media pals, see you in a while! 

Image: Jostons Renaissance, 2017

Tuesday 17 January 2017

The year that was 2016

2016: what a year right?!

It was a defining year for me in terms of career and the direction in which I wanted my life to go, and I wasn't going to write about it, but I feel that now we have started a new year it's necessary to look back in order to look forward.

So where was I at the beginning of 2016?

*cue ripple effect*

Pre- library life 

At the beginning of 2016, I was a travel agent. Sitting at my desk, in complete and total misery. I had finished my undergraduate in archaeology, and I had left the museum I was working at in order to pursue a different career (as there are limited jobs).  I decided to become a travel agent. I did all the training required and initially I loved it. By the time it got to January 2016 however, I wasn't happy in my job. Planning people's holidays was no smooth sailing! It had got to the point where I was  having constant panic attacks and I was crying all the time, and I realised that there was no way that anyone should have to put themselves through that kind of stress. So I did something really smart and quit on the spot*. 

As I had bills to pay I ended up finding work as a fundraiser through the Cancer Council, which was actually a positive experience where I could help those in need. This was great until it was my birthday and I was standing in the rain outside the museum, where I had worked before it all went super wrong.  I had always achieved at school, always done well and even had a degree and yet I had zero idea of what I actually wanted to do with my life. 


Re-discovering the passion

At that precise moment I knew 2016 was going to be a bit of a struggle, but I also knew that things were going to change. And while I was standing in the rain outside the museum that day, I promised myself that I was going to change things, and I was going to do what I loved no matter how much work it took or how many years it took. What made me happy? What did I enjoy? I realised I just wanted to be somewhere quiet, and somewhere where I could help the community, and maybe somewhere I was supported in my passion for writing. Like the library. From the moment I made this decision to do what I loved things began to look up. I went back to the museum. I started my Masters Degree in June, and it actually changed my entire life. I have always wanted to be involved with books and libraries, and being on the path to this career has made me so happy.  I learnt so much, and its one of the reasons why I started this blog. I want to share my learning and library adventures! 

What I learned in 2016

There are so many things that I learned in 2016, I'd probably be here for hours if I was to list everything, but here are some. I learnt:

  • It's never too late to start over
  • If you want something, you have to go and get it and you have to work hard to achieve it 
  • Having confidence (or at least pretending to)  takes you a long way
  • The library is an amazing place, and there are so many different aspects to it 
  • The library community and the librarians in it are very supportive and want students to achieve and succeed in their library communities
  • Blogging is fun! 

2017 and beyond 

So what's in store for me in 2017? 

I think this year will be full of new experiences for me, and obviously a lot of learning. 

I would like to build on my confidence, and work to the best of my ability. 
I want to get my foot in that door and I want to succeed in this environment. 
I want to remain supportive to other students 
I want to be a role model and leader, and surprise myself with what I can do and achieve 

Most importantly, this year I know that I will not be sitting at a desk, miserable as hell. I will be happy, and doing what I love. 

And I think that's all I can ask of 2017, don't you think? 

Also, I am really excited for this happening this year! 

I look forward to sharing my 2017 library experiences with you, and I hope you will follow and share in the library love! 

*disclaimer: would not recommend this life choice*