Tuesday 17 January 2017

The year that was 2016

2016: what a year right?!

It was a defining year for me in terms of career and the direction in which I wanted my life to go, and I wasn't going to write about it, but I feel that now we have started a new year it's necessary to look back in order to look forward.

So where was I at the beginning of 2016?

*cue ripple effect*

Pre- library life 

At the beginning of 2016, I was a travel agent. Sitting at my desk, in complete and total misery. I had finished my undergraduate in archaeology, and I had left the museum I was working at in order to pursue a different career (as there are limited jobs).  I decided to become a travel agent. I did all the training required and initially I loved it. By the time it got to January 2016 however, I wasn't happy in my job. Planning people's holidays was no smooth sailing! It had got to the point where I was  having constant panic attacks and I was crying all the time, and I realised that there was no way that anyone should have to put themselves through that kind of stress. So I did something really smart and quit on the spot*. 

As I had bills to pay I ended up finding work as a fundraiser through the Cancer Council, which was actually a positive experience where I could help those in need. This was great until it was my birthday and I was standing in the rain outside the museum, where I had worked before it all went super wrong.  I had always achieved at school, always done well and even had a degree and yet I had zero idea of what I actually wanted to do with my life. 


Re-discovering the passion

At that precise moment I knew 2016 was going to be a bit of a struggle, but I also knew that things were going to change. And while I was standing in the rain outside the museum that day, I promised myself that I was going to change things, and I was going to do what I loved no matter how much work it took or how many years it took. What made me happy? What did I enjoy? I realised I just wanted to be somewhere quiet, and somewhere where I could help the community, and maybe somewhere I was supported in my passion for writing. Like the library. From the moment I made this decision to do what I loved things began to look up. I went back to the museum. I started my Masters Degree in June, and it actually changed my entire life. I have always wanted to be involved with books and libraries, and being on the path to this career has made me so happy.  I learnt so much, and its one of the reasons why I started this blog. I want to share my learning and library adventures! 

What I learned in 2016

There are so many things that I learned in 2016, I'd probably be here for hours if I was to list everything, but here are some. I learnt:

  • It's never too late to start over
  • If you want something, you have to go and get it and you have to work hard to achieve it 
  • Having confidence (or at least pretending to)  takes you a long way
  • The library is an amazing place, and there are so many different aspects to it 
  • The library community and the librarians in it are very supportive and want students to achieve and succeed in their library communities
  • Blogging is fun! 

2017 and beyond 

So what's in store for me in 2017? 

I think this year will be full of new experiences for me, and obviously a lot of learning. 

I would like to build on my confidence, and work to the best of my ability. 
I want to get my foot in that door and I want to succeed in this environment. 
I want to remain supportive to other students 
I want to be a role model and leader, and surprise myself with what I can do and achieve 

Most importantly, this year I know that I will not be sitting at a desk, miserable as hell. I will be happy, and doing what I love. 

And I think that's all I can ask of 2017, don't you think? 

Also, I am really excited for this happening this year! 

I look forward to sharing my 2017 library experiences with you, and I hope you will follow and share in the library love! 

*disclaimer: would not recommend this life choice*